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USP Labs PowerFULL


USP Labs PowerFULL

$ 0.00

Increase Natural Human Growth Hormone Production by 221% After Just ONE Dose!


No doubt you've seen the products that claim to be HGH boosters. They promise the world:

•Scientifically proven to increase natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production by at least 221% in just one dose!
•Significantly increase natural Testosterone production by at least 53%!
•Dramatically increase quality of sleep
•Significantly increase endurance
•Get more out of each hour of sleep - Feel better on less sleep!
•Improves skin tone through regeneration - Unlike ProHormones and Steroids that destroy your skin, PowerFULL will improve complexion - Another clear reason you're naturally producing large amounts of HGH!
•Increases blood flow
•Helps restore natural hormonal production after a cycle of steroids or pro-hormones.
•Greatly enhanced Mind/Muscle connection - by increasing dopamine, the dopamine neurons of the brain are activated that are essential for normal movement and sensori-motor integration.
•Improves athletic movements and increase contractile strength with weight training.

What Makes PowerFULL So Potent?


A few years back a compound hit the bodybuilding scene with a lot of promise. It had great scientific research to back it up. That compound's name was L-Dopa. As you may know, L-Dopa could never duplicate its scientific performance in the real world. For one reason: L-Dopa could never cross the blood brain would get absorbed in the blood stream and all hope of increased HGH production was lost! In order for the brain to turn L-Dopa into dopamine and therefore shoot HGH levels through the roof, this major obstacle had to be overcome. At USP Labs we knew if we could come up with a bioavailable form of L-Dopa that had the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier it would help bodybuilders everywhere increase natural HGH release, natural testosterone production, build muscle, lose body fat and sleep like a rock.

Well, you will be glad when you hear we have succeeded! But, we totally skipped the L-Dopa part and discovered a brand new compound that's closely related and is readily available for the body to use! It's called 1-C and it's here to rock your world. 1-C, or 1-carboxy-2-amino-3-pyrobenzol(3,4 diol), is closely related to l-Dopa. In the past, many supplements touted L-Dopa as the next big thing in the supplement industry, but it failed miserably. Again, in a study done in India, it was found that 1-C (a natural l-Dopa derivative) increased HGH levels through increasing dopamine levels naturally.


That means...


1-C completely crossed the blood/brain barrier and shot HGH production through the roof by 221% in just one dose!

I understand what you are saying... HGH supplements are touted as the most ineffective supplements in the industry. I've tried them I know just how crappy they are! As I mentioned earlier, I'm gonna agree with you on this one. I've been let down more times than I'd like to admit on supplements that promised me increased HGH release. But PowerFULL has HGH releasing effects you can feel. No other product can claim that.

About 20-40 minutes after taking PowerFULL you will begin to yawn. Now you won't be real tired, just feeling a calm sense of relaxation and peace. This is the sign of your body releasing HGH. So yawning is good! HGH surges create deep restful sleep. PowerFULL increasing deep sleep and the only explanation is an increase in HGH levels. PowerFULL users experience deep restful sleep.

Also, while studying 1-C, we found some interesting alkaloids :

  • Specific bioactive alkaloids Mucunine Purienine, Pruriendine (MPP)
  • Specific Triterpene steroid saponins and saponegins from Chlorophytum Borivilianum

As if that wasn't enough, we've added another unique compound to the PowerFULL formula. (They don't call USP Labs The Herbal Extract Experts for nothing).

PurSap is the second weapon in the PowerFULL arsenal. PurSap is pretty cool (and unique) because it's a Hormonal Adaptagens. You may not have heard much about Hormonal Adaptagens just yet. But I promise you this will be a buzz term you will hear for years to come. Just remember where you heard it first.

Your body responds to stress with hormonal release. Whether it's stress from work, the gym, your girlfriend or even food your body always reacts with hormones. This can be good or bad, depending on which hormones are releases and in what quantity.

In short, Hormonal Adaptagens like the specific alkaloids found in PowerFULL, will make your body more efficient in response to stress. You will release more testosterone, less estrogen and basically supercharge your hormonal output!

PurSap's action is primarily supportive and restorative. It appears to assist the hormone control systems of the body, making them more efficient. Since these hormones are conductors of the entire orchestra of physiological process their effect will cascade throughout the body.

Stigmasterol, the chief ingredient of PureSap, is structurally similar to that of testosterone, which can enhance the blood level of this hormone.

Since PowerFULL has so many positive benefits, it's impossible to place into one category. It's more than an HGH booster. It's more than a testosterone Booster. It's more than a sleep aid.

Based upon real world user feedback PowerFULL can help you achieve one or all of the following:

  • Phenomenal Lactic Acid buffering
  • Increase in Muscle Mass
  • Increase in Strength
  • Increase in Physical Endurance
  • Increase in Recovery from Exercise
  • Anti-fatigue through lactic Acid buffering
  • Increased tolerance to workload

Pretty strong stuff for one product!


How We Improved PowerFULL


When PowerFULL first came out you would have to take 12-15 capsules per day in order to receive the benefits. While most didn't mind because they were feeling (and looking) so great, let's face it - it's a pain to take 15 capsules of anything every day. But, since PowerFULL worked so well we didn't want to change the formula. Then, a few months ago, the ingredients in PowerFULL became extremely rare. So rare in fact, that we had to discontinue PowerFULL completely! Obviously, our very loyal users were not happy. However, I believe that in every problem lies a greater opportunity. With help from the best herbal research scientists in the world, Striviti Research (we have worldwide exclusive rights to their research), we were not only able to find a reliable source for the raw ingredients in PowerFULL, but we improved the extraction process so much that now you only need 3-4 capsules a day to equal 12-15 of the old formula. It's the best of both worlds!

FDA: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Directions: As a dietary supplement take 1-3 capsules before bed for the first three (3) days. Dose can be increased to 1-3 capsules after the initial trial period. Do not consume more than 5 grams of carbohydrates within 60 minutes of taking PowerFULL.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Not intended for use by females or males under 21 years of age. Consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplement. Do not take if you are pregnant or breast feeding, elderly or under the age of 21, chronically ill, or taking any perscription or over-the-counter medicine, including but not limited to medications for high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions. Discontinue use if you experience dizziness, headache, nausea or heart palpitations.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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