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Inner Armour Muscle Rush

Inner Armour

Inner Armour Muscle Rush

$ 0.00

Creatine HCL Loaded! The Ultimate Combination Of The World's Most Powerful Ingredients!

  • 3.2g of beta-alanine (Carnosyn)
  • 3g of arginine blend
  • 750mg creatine hcl
  • (100% oncentrated creatine)
  • 1g l-carnitine tartrate
Muscle Rush has been formulated with the world's most powerful ingredients in their full clinical doses in order to master the major critical power output systems in your body. This is not your typical fake pre-workout central nervous system stimulant but rather a true muscle stimulant which is exactly what your body needs to be stronger. Muscles achieve peak power output by greatly depending on ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), Phospho Creatine (PCr), Vasodilation, Muscle pH (acid level of muscle), and the removal of debilitating byproducts of working muscles called hydrogen ions (H+) during your workout. No other supplement in the world combines the ingredients we combine in the doses in which we combine them, bringing you the most powerful pre-workout in the world with zero proprietary blends and full ingredient disclosure! No fillers. No dyes. Great taste. Gluten Free.
  • Increase the oxidation of fatty acids
  • Accelerate the burning of dietary fats
  • Have positive effect on healthy blood lipids levels
  • Support cardiovascular health

FDA: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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